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Tracking erections to measure progress with HARDR.

So you have symptoms of ED? Start by quantifying the problem, then you’ll know how severe your symptoms are and, over time, you’ll see the improvements. You can track the frequency and hardness of your erections, we make it easy. And tracking is important, you want to know where you stand. And stuff that gets tracked, gets better. So are your symptoms mild? moderate? or severe? You need to know.

HARDR. tracks erections in two different ways. The first is called the Erectile Index. In medical journals it’s called the IIEF. The International Index of Erectile Function. To keep it simple, we call it your Erectile Index. HARDR. will ask you to take this short survey when you start and every 30 days after that. Over time you’ll see the trends.

The second way we track erections is called your HARDR. Score. In medical journals, it’s called the EHS, the Erectile Hardness Score. HARDR. will ask you to track your erections daily and to tell us the difference between your morning wood and the erections you get during sexual activity. Everyday sounds like a hassle but we’ve made it a super quick process and the trends and analysis that result definitely make it worth it.

We know that when men experience ED, it can be confusing and stressful. All you want to know is how bad it is, why is it happening to you and be able to see yourself getting better. So start tracking and make the bedroom your happy place again. Proven Solutions. Real Results.

Tracking your progress and activities with HARDR.

HARDR. lets you do something you’ve never been able to do before, track the hardness and frequency of your erections

And we all know that what gets measured gets better, so let’s get started

HARDR tracks two indicators. The first is your Erectile Index – a quick, 6-question survey that we’ll get you to take monthly. As you improve, month over month, you’ll see that progress!

The 2nd indicator is your HARDR. Score – a quick daily question. Over time, HARDR. will show you trends and analysis

If you are a clinic patient with Oakwood Health, you’ll also have a treatment plan with activities to do at home.

HARDR. tracks your clinic appointments and how often you use your penis pump, take your supplements and do your pelvic floor exercises.

The Erectile Index

HARDR. uses scientifically valid ways to measure your erections. We didn’t just make this up.

Doctors and researchers have been using this survey to study ED for decades. It’s called the International Index of Erectile Function.

We call it your Erectile Index. When you start using HARDR., you will take your first Erectile Index survey.

Don’t worry – it isn’t complicated – just 6 short multiple-choice questions.

Once you finish, HARDR. will tell you whether your ED is Mild, Moderate or Severe.

You only need to take this survey once per month.

HARDR. will show you when it is time to take it again.

Over time, you’ll see the progress you are making!

And this is where you will see how your ED is classified – as mild, moderate or severe. As well as some deeper insights, like how your current score compares to when you started and compared to the previous month

Knowing where you stand and if you’re getting better is super easy in HARDR.

And remember, things that get tracked get better – so get tracking!

The HARDR. Score

HARDR. uses scientifically valid ways to measure your erections. We didn’t just make this up. Doctors and researchers have been using the Erectile Hardness Score for a long time. We call it your HARDR. Score.

To begin, HARDR. will ask if your erection was with a partner or during masturbation. This is an important distinction – we’ll explain more in a bit. Next, we will ask you to rate the hardness of your erection. Finally, if your erection was during sexual activity with a partner, HARDR. will ask if you took any prescription medication meant to improve the erection.

You should track if you had a morning erection every day. This is an important indicator of what is going on in your body. If you don’t get morning erections or you get less than you used to, your ED is very likely associated with poor blood flow. By tracking morning erections separately, you will be able to figure this out very quickly within a couple of weeks.

After you track your morning wood, you can track sexual activity erections as many times a day as you need or want to. You need to track these as well so you can compare them to the morning erections. If you have a good morning score but a significantly lower sexual activity score, you may be suffering from sexual anxiety rather than poor blood flow.

The more you track, the more accurate your average scores will be. This will provide the best understanding of what’s going on with you, personally. And, over time, you’ll see the progress you are making!. Remember, things that get tracked get better!

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